Butwal Model College, a co-educationalinstitution, is an educational network ofNew Horizon College & KathmanduModel College affiliated to PokharaUniversity. It has been conducting MPGD(Masters in population, Gender andDevelopment) program since 2009, & BBA(Bachelor in Business Administration)program has been running forseven years.From academic session 2074, BMC has alsoextended BHM (Bachelor in HotelManagement) program to address thegrowing need of competent professionalsin hospitality management. BMC providespractical education in innovative &creative way. It is imparting qualityeducation under the management ofnational level leading institutions: NewHorizon College & Kathmandu ModelCollege. BMC is distinct in developingbusiness & hospitality management skillsto meet national need & global demand.
Currently, BMC operates with following institutions under its umbrella:
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